Psalm 23 – The Valley

If this is the first of my “out loud” musings on Psalm 23 that you’re reading, I’d encourage you to go here to read the first one before continuing

Even though I walk through

To me, the word “through” is the key to this passage, so bear with me while I dwell on it..

The Lord is not saying “into” or “out of” in this passage.

Yes, there may be times when, according to His plan for our lives he does one of the other.

Perhaps He needs to lead us into the valley sometimes, to teach us patience, or humility.

At other times, we can have been like the stray sheep, and have Him come and save us.

But in the context of this Psalm, he is leading us throughthe valley.

So, in our journey through life, with we as the sheep, follow the Lord as our shepherd, He in His grace,

leads us through the Valley.

Take heart from this.. If the Lord has lead us into a valley situation, all we need do is to trust Him fully,

knowing that the valley will end, and His greater plan for us will unfold on the other side!!

The valley of the shadow of death

I don’t know about you, but this line has always scared me a bit.

I’m pretty sure that none of us would wilfully and knowingly walk into a place called that!!

It conjures up darkness in my own mind, a rocky and desolate place of cold shadows.

Life-threatening, emanate danger all around, but not enough light to see it coming.

I almost want to close my eyes to shut it out, and yet the Psalmist continues..

I will fear no evil,

Ok, now that just sounds too good.

I could understand easier if it said “I’d be LESS afraid”, or that I’d feel a BIT safer.

But no, the scripture says, I will fear NO evil..

It’s counter-instinctive, when all your senses are screaming at you to run away!

The only way I would fear NO evil in that place, is if I had an army around me.

The Psalmist had intimate knowledge of who the Lord is and how powerful He is.

He knew from experience that he could trust the Lord totally.

Remember the bear and the lion that David slew whilst still tending his Father’s sheep?

Remember Goliath, that had the army of Israel quivering in their boots?

Oh, that we would learn to trust Him also, that no matter what the circumstances

for You are with me;

You see, David knew that the Lord doesn’t bring us to the valley at random.

It is always a time to grow our faith, to learn to trust His plan for our lives.

Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

And it time to learn to take comfort from His mighty presence.

Let us all CHOOSE to learn..

You prepare a table before me

in the presence of my enemies;

you anoint my head with oil;

my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

all the days of my life,

and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD
